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Text File | 1993-10-19 | 13.6 KB | 3,681 lines |
- aardvark
- abbe
- abel
- abide
- ably
- abort
- abridge
- absinth
- abstract
- aby
- accedes
- access
- accolade
- accost
- accrues
- ace
- aching
- acm
- acquit
- acted
- actuate
- adaptor
- adds
- adieu
- adjust
- admire
- adopt
- ads
- adust
- adverb
- adz
- aeronaut
- affect
- affix
- afire
- age
- aggregate
- agnew
- agrimony
- air
- airs
- alan
- alcaic
- alee
- algol
- aline
- allege
- alley
- allots
- alma
- alphabets
- althea
- am
- amber
- ambulate
- ament
- amnesia
- amp
- amps
- anaerobe
- analyze
- anchor
- android
- angel
- angst
- animist
- anni
- annul
- anon
- antedate
- anthropic
- anticlinal
- antipope
- anus
- apex
- aplomb
- apolune
- appal
- appellee
- apples
- apposite
- apprise
- apron
- aquila
- arbor
- archdeacon
- architect
- are
- argus
- arm
- army
- array
- arrow
- artful
- artist
- ascetic
- asia
- asphyxia
- assault
- asses
- assist
- assume
- astir
- astute
- athens
- atone
- attain
- attest
- attracts
- audio
- augur
- aurous
- authored
- autocrat
- automats
- avast
- avis
- aware
- axiom
- baa
- bach
- backs
- backwash
- bagel
- bait
- bale
- ballets
- ban
- bane
- bankrupt
- baobab
- barber
- baric
- baron
- barry
- bash
- bass
- baths
- batty
- be
- beard
- beaus
- bed
- bedroom
- bees
- beget
- begun
- bel
- belize
- belong
- bend
- bent
- beri
- beryl
- bespoke
- beth
- bevy
- bib
- bicycle
- big
- bilk
- bimini
- biodegrade
- biopsy
- birds
- bison
- bitty
- blacken
- blame
- blarney
- bled
- blindly
- bloc
- bloodred
- blots
- bluebook
- blunt
- boas
- bobtail
- bogey
- bole
- bomb
- bonds
- boo
- books
- booth
- border
- boss
- bottom
- bounds
- bowie
- bra
- braid
- bran
- brassie
- braze
- breaker
- bred
- brew
- bridget
- brigs
- bristle
- broads
- bronc
- broth
- bruce
- brut
- bucket
- buds
- bugs
- bull
- bulls
- bun
- bunt
- burg
- burma
- burst
- busily
- butt
- buxom
- byte
- cab
- cabs
- caddy
- cagy
- calash
- calends
- call
- calotte
- came
- camper
- cancel
- candles
- cannon
- canter
- capacitive
- capo
- caption
- carat
- carcass
- care
- carl
- carom
- carr
- carting
- case
- cast
- cat
- catamite
- cate
- cates
- catty
- caution
- cavort
- celebrate
- celt
- center
- centrist
- cern
- chad
- chalet
- champed
- channel
- chaps
- charles
- chasm
- chatty
- checking
- cheese
- cheque
- chesty
- chide
- chill
- chink
- chirp
- chlorite
- chomp
- choric
- christy
- chronology
- chunk
- cilia
- circle
- circumflex
- circumvent
- city
- clam
- clans
- class
- claus
- clear
- cleric
- climax
- clips
- clone
- clotty
- club
- co
- coast
- cobs
- cocks
- coed
- coffle
- cogs
- coin
- cole
- collator
- collie
- collude
- color
- colts
- combs
- comic
- commend
- comminute
- commix
- commune
- commute
- compares
- compere
- compleat
- comply
- compress
- compute
- conceit
- concern
- concise
- concretize
- condign
- cone
- confetti
- conflagrate
- confront
- conger
- conic
- conjure
- connors
- consecrate
- consider
- consomme
- constipate
- construct
- consume
- contemplate
- context
- contra
- contralto
- contrive
- convair
- converges
- convict
- coo
- coop
- copes
- copt
- cor
- cork
- cornier
- corps
- correspond
- corrupt
- cosh
- cosmos
- cots
- count
- countermand
- counterspy
- coups
- couth
- covet
- cowpox
- crack
- cram
- crap
- crawl
- crease
- cree
- crept
- crib
- cringe
- critics
- croon
- crossway
- crt
- crumb
- crusted
- crypts
- cubs
- culpa
- cumin
- cur
- curl
- curt
- cushion
- cut
- cyber
- cynic
- da
- dahl
- dally
- dams
- dank
- darn
- daub
- day's
- dead
- dean
- debate
- debt
- decamp
- deceive
- deci
- deck
- decline
- decongest
- decoy
- decuple
- deep
- defeat
- defer
- deflagrate
- deform
- degaussed
- deign
- delete
- delimits
- delta
- demands
- demo
- demonstrate
- den
- denim
- dens
- denver
- depends
- deponent
- deprecator
- depute
- derive
- descried
- desexed
- desk
- despond
- desuetude
- deter
- detests
- detrains
- deviate
- devon
- dextro
- diagram
- diaper
- dice
- did
- dieux
- dig
- digoxin
- dildos
- diminish
- ding
- diorama
- director
- disaccord
- disappear
- disaster
- discern
- disco
- discontent
- discover
- discs
- disenchant
- disfigure
- dish
- disinfest
- disk
- dismiss
- disown
- disperse
- disposes
- disrate
- dissent
- dissociate
- distend
- distrain
- disunion
- divers
- diving
- do
- dodd
- doggie
- doll
- dominate
- donor
- dope
- dot
- dough
- down
- downturn
- drag
- dramatis
- drawl
- dreck
- drift
- drone
- drowse
- drums
- duck
- dug
- dump
- dupe
- duster
- dye
- each
- earns
- ease
- ebb
- ecole
- ectoderm
- edges
- edna
- effects
- effort
- egos
- eire
- elasto
- electra
- electron
- elf
- ell
- else
- emanate
- embarks
- emblem
- embrittle
- emerge
- emma
- empery
- emprise
- enamel
- enchant
- encode
- encyclic
- endive
- endotherm
- enfold
- engird
- engulf
- enlarge
- enos
- enshroud
- entails
- enthuse
- entrance
- entwist
- envies
- ephraim
- epilepsy
- epitome
- equerry
- equity
- ere
- eros
- erwin
- escrow
- essen
- estrus
- ethic
- etui
- eunice
- eva
- evans
- ever
- evils
- exa
- exams
- excess
- exclude
- excretory
- execute
- exert
- exhibits
- exit
- exotic
- expecter
- expense
- expiry
- explore
- expound
- exquisite
- extent
- extirpate
- extraneity
- extremum
- exults
- eyot
- fa
- facile
- facture
- fair
- fall
- fames
- fang
- fare
- farts
- faster
- fats
- favor
- feat
- federate
- feint
- felt
- fens
- ferric
- fest
- feud
- fibre
- fiddle
- fiery
- filch
- film
- final
- finger
- fir
- fires
- fishes
- fit
- fizz
- flagon
- flames
- flashes
- flatus
- fled
- flex
- flinch
- flo
- floor
- florin
- flower
- fluke
- flurry
- flynn
- fog
- folk
- food
- footle
- for
- fore
- foreign
- foresee
- forewing
- fork
- formic
- fort
- forum
- fount
- fracas
- frame
- frap
- freddy
- freeway
- fresh
- friction
- frill
- frizz
- frost
- fruit
- fudge
- fully
- functioned
- fur
- furrow
- fuss
- gab
- gag
- gal
- gallop
- game
- ganges
- gar
- garner
- gas
- gassy
- gauge
- gay
- gel
- generalize
- genoa
- genus
- geometry
- gerboa
- gerund
- ghee
- gibe
- gigot
- ginkgo
- gizmo
- glance
- glean
- glitch
- gloss
- glut
- gnome
- god
- gold
- gong
- gore
- got
- gpo
- grads
- grand
- grant
- grappa
- gratis
- gray
- grebe
- greet
- grieve
- grins
- grog
- grouch
- grove
- gruff
- guardia
- guide
- gull
- gunk
- gust
- gym
- ha
- hack
- haggle
- hairs
- hall
- halt
- hammy
- handicap
- hands
- hangout
- haps
- harder
- harks
- harp
- hart
- hat
- haul
- hawk
- haze
- headman
- heal
- hearten
- heaths
- heck
- heel
- heist
- hellbox
- helper
- hemp
- her
- heresy
- hero
- hesitate
- heterosis
- hi
- hie
- highly
- him
- hippo
- historian
- ho
- hobby
- hoi
- holler
- holy
- homes
- homolog
- hone
- hood
- hoot
- horn
- hors
- hosing
- hotly
- houseful
- howl
- hug
- humans
- humor
- hunger
- hurst
- hut
- hydric
- hydrolyze
- hyena
- hyperion
- hypo
- hypoxia
- iambic
- icon
- idem
- idle
- ignobly
- illicit
- illusory
- imbed
- immanent
- immobile
- immure
- impasse
- impend
- imperious
- impinge
- implore
- imposes
- imprecise
- imprison
- impugn
- inactive
- inasmuch
- incapably
- inch
- incites
- incomparable
- inconsolable
- increase
- inculpate
- indeed
- independent
- indict
- indiscrete
- individuate
- inducts
- inedited
- inert
- inextricable
- infer
- infirm
- inflict
- infrared
- ingot
- inhere
- initial
- ink
- innis
- inorganic
- inscribe
- inset
- insofar
- install
- instils
- instruments
- insure
- integrity
- intensity
- interchange
- interfere
- interleaf
- intermit
- interoffice
- interred
- interspace
- interwar
- intone
- intrigue
- intuit
- invalids
- invert
- invisible
- inward
- ire
- irons
- irrelevant
- irrigate
- isle
- isonomy
- italy
- jab
- jacobs
- jam
- jar
- jazz
- jeon
- jest
- jib
- jink
- jocks
- joint
- jose
- joust
- judd
- jugs
- jun
- jure
- juts
- kabuki
- kate
- keg
- kern
- kg
- kiev
- kilt
- king's
- kirk
- kiwi
- knees
- knock
- knurl
- kraft
- l'oeil
- lac
- lactate
- lag
- lam
- lamp
- landis
- langur
- lapses
- lars
- latch
- latish
- launch
- lave
- lay
- lead
- lean
- least
- led
- legally
- legit
- lemon
- leo
- lett
- levi
- ley
- libers
- lichee
- lifer
- lightly
- lilt
- limp
- lined
- lint
- liqueur
- list
- litho
- litton
- liz
- lob
- lock
- lode
- logic
- lone
- loom
- lops
- lot
- lout
- lower
- lubricous
- lug
- lumina
- lunches
- lust
- lux
- lyon
- ma
- machinate
- mad
- mag
- magnetic
- magus
- mails
- maize
- malady
- males
- malls
- man
- mandola
- mangos
- mankind
- manse
- manure
- marc
- marin
- marks
- marrow
- marts
- mask
- mast
- mat
- math
- mats
- mauls
- mayer
- mccoy
- me
- measly
- medaled
- medic
- medoc
- megametre
- melic
- melt
- men
- menlo
- mercedes
- merge
- mes
- mess
- metallize
- metaplasm
- method
- metro
- micro
- microinch
- microtome
- midi
- mig
- mile
- mill
- millikan
- millmen
- mince
- mini
- ministry
- mira
- misapply
- miscast
- miscue
- misguide
- misname
- misread
- misspent
- misty
- mix
- mock
- modes
- moil
- moles
- mom
- monel
- monitor
- monodist
- monomer
- monotone
- month
- moonlit
- moran
- morose
- mortice
- mot
- motor
- mound
- mouth
- mu
- muff
- mull
- multiplier
- mump
- murk
- mush
- must
- muting
- myel
- myth
- naacp
- names
- narcotic
- nat
- natty
- nave
- neat
- necrology
- needles
- negress
- nepal
- net
- neurosis
- newly
- nib
- niece
- nights
- ninety
- nits
- nod
- noll
- noncom
- nonmetal
- noon
- norther
- nosing
- notes
- novel
- nubs
- numb
- nuns
- nuts
- o'brien
- obeah
- objective
- oblong
- observe
- obtest
- occiput
- och
- ocular
- oedema
- offices
- oh
- old
- olla
- on
- onto
- opera
- opium
- opt
- or
- orc
- ordinate
- orgy
- orion
- orthodox
- oscar
- ossify
- otto
- outcrop
- outgo
- outmost
- outride
- outstare
- oven
- overcoat
- overeats
- overhaul
- overly
- overrate
- oversize
- overstuff
- overuse
- ovoid
- oxide
- pablo
- packs
- page
- pair
- paleness
- pallid
- pals
- pandit
- pans
- pap
- par
- parallel
- paraph
- parcel
- pares
- parley
- parrs
- participle
- pas
- passkey
- pasts
- path
- patriot
- patty
- paw
- pea
- pear
- pecos
- peddle
- pee
- pegs
- pen
- penguin
- pens
- penury
- percale
- percuss
- perfidy
- perigee
- perish
- permed
- perplex
- personal
- persuade
- pervade
- pests
- petrol
- ph
- pharmacy
- philanders
- phloem
- phony
- photograph
- phrase
- physiologic
- pick
- pico
- pier
- pigmy
- pill
- pin
- pink
- pint
- pips
- pit
- pius
- placid
- plait
- plant
- plat
- play
- pleas
- plenary
- plot
- plum
- plunk
- po
- poetic
- pois
- pole
- politic
- polo
- polymer
- polytheism
- pond
- poor
- populate
- porrect
- porto
- posse
- postfix
- postpone
- potato
- potpie
- pound
- powered
- praise
- pray
- precept
- precoat
- predestine
- preeminence
- prefix
- prelude
- prename
- preplans
- prepunch
- prescript
- preset
- presswork
- pretense
- prevails
- prick
- prime
- princes
- prison
- pro
- process
- proctor
- product
- profile
- progging
- project
- prolog
- promote
- pronoun
- propel
- propmen
- propyl
- proserpine
- prosy
- proteus
- proud
- proviso
- prune
- psi
- psychopath
- publish
- pug
- pulp
- pump
- pundit
- pupil
- purge
- purply
- pursy
- pussy
- pya
- pyrolyze
- qatar
- quaff
- quantity
- quarters
- queen
- quests
- quietly
- quints
- quiz
- ra
- racier
- radiate
- radiologic
- rag
- rain
- ram
- ran
- rank
- rapid
- rasa
- rathe
- rats
- raves
- re
- reading
- realize
- rearm
- reave
- rebut
- receive
- recipe
- recline
- recommit
- reconnect
- recover
- recti
- recuse
- redeems
- redirects
- reds
- reel
- refine
- reflux
- refresh
- regain
- region
- regret
- rehear
- reining
- reject
- relates
- relent
- reline
- remand
- remind
- remolds
- removes
- renew
- rents
- repair
- repel
- replay
- repose
- reprint
- republic
- request
- rescind
- resents
- residue
- resolve
- respell
- rested
- rests
- retain
- reticle
- retract
- retro
- reuben
- revels
- reverses
- revises
- revolts
- rex
- rhine
- rhyme
- rich
- ride
- rig
- rim
- rink
- rise
- rive
- roam
- roc
- rod
- roll
- ron
- roomy
- rosa
- rot
- rough
- rounds
- rowe
- rube
- rude
- ruin
- rummy
- runt
- rust
- rye
- sabbath
- sack
- saddle
- safety
- sail
- sale
- salk
- saltire
- salvo
- sancho
- sandia
- sanicle
- sapor
- sari
- satin
- sauce
- savate
- sax
- scale
- scandals
- scarf
- scatter
- schema
- schloss
- schoolmen
- scilla
- scoop
- scorns
- scout
- scrapie
- screen
- scrims
- scrub
- scuff
- scurf
- seagram
- sear
- seaway
- secret
- secure
- seduces
- seen
- seine
- selects
- selwyn
- semilunar
- semper
- sensa
- sensum
- sept
- sequin
- seriate
- serve
- set
- sever
- sext
- shade
- shah
- sham
- shank
- sharply
- sheave
- shell
- sherd
- shill
- ship
- shirt
- shoe
- shore
- shorts
- shower
- shrill
- shuck
- shy
- sick
- sides
- sift
- signet
- silica
- silver
- simp
- sin
- sings
- sip
- sit
- size
- sketch
- skim
- skirl
- skunk
- slack
- slap
- slavic
- sleeps
- slid
- slipped
- slog
- slow
- slummy
- smartly
- smite
- smooth
- snag
- snarl
- sniff
- snivel
- snort
- snows
- so
- sobs
- socle
- softy
- sole
- solids
- solve
- somitic
- sons
- sophy
- sorrow
- sound
- south
- sow
- spade
- spar
- spas
- spear
- speck
- specular
- spell
- spew
- spicy
- spin
- spiny
- spit
- spleen
- spoil
- spoof
- sports
- spray
- sprint
- spur
- squad
- squaw
- squill
- stabile
- stag
- stake
- stamen
- standin
- stare
- stash
- statist
- stay
- steed
- stein
- stephen
- steric
- stet
- stiff
- stilt
- stint
- stirs
- stocks
- stomas
- stop
- storm
- strafe
- strand
- strati
- street
- stria
- string
- strode
- struck
- stubs
- stum
- stupor
- stymie
- subcompact
- subgroup
- sublime
- suborder
- subscript
- substage
- subtend
- suburbs
- succumb
- suez
- sugary
- sulfone
- sultry
- sun
- sunk
- sup
- superego
- superintend
- superpose
- supertax
- suppled
- supposes
- sure
- surly
- surrey
- susie
- sutra
- swain
- swap
- sweat
- sweets
- swine
- swivel
- syce
- symbol
- symptom
- syncope
- synods
- syrup
- tab
- tabu
- taco
- tailor
- tales
- tam
- tan
- tanks
- tap
- tare
- tart
- tat
- taut
- taxis
- tear
- technic
- teet
- telegraph
- teleray
- telly
- temporize
- tender
- tens
- tepid
- terminal
- terre
- tesla
- testy
- tex
- thanks
- them
- theory
- thermo
- theta
- thin
- this
- thou
- threes
- throe
- thrust
- thurman
- tickle
- tie
- til
- time
- tin
- tinny
- tipsy
- title
- toast
- tofu
- toll
- ton
- too
- top
- topos
- toroid
- torula
- touch
- tourney
- towns
- trace
- trade
- trail
- tram
- trans
- transfer
- tranship
- transmarine
- transpire
- transvest
- travel
- treads
- trek
- trepan
- triangles
- trichina
- tricot
- trigon
- trimmer
- triple
- trite
- troche
- tropic
- trout
- true
- trust
- tub
- tuff
- tumor
- tunnel
- turd
- turns
- tut
- twelve
- twirl
- type
- typos
- ua's
- ultra
- umpire
- unanswered
- unbar
- unbraid
- unchain
- unclog
- unconscious
- unction
- undercook
- underlet
- undersea
- undertake
- undesired
- undue
- uneven
- unfelt
- unfrock
- unhand
- unideal
- uninjured
- unity
- unlash
- unloved
- unnail
- unpin
- unravel
- unrip
- unseam
- unsnarl
- unstuffy
- untie
- unveil
- unyoke
- upland
- upset
- urban
- urn
- usurp
- vacancies
- vade
- vales
- valve
- vans
- varied
- vase
- vax
- veld
- veneer
- vent
- vera
- verge
- verna
- verso
- vested
- vi
- vice
- victual
- vigor
- vim
- viol
- virgo
- viscose
- vista
- vitriol
- vivo
- voice
- volley
- volva
- vow
- vulture
- wabash
- wages
- wain
- wale
- wally
- want
- wares
- warps
- washes
- watch
- waterlog
- wave
- ways
- weary
- wee
- weight
- well
- west
- whale
- wheel
- whereto
- whims
- whir
- white
- whiz
- whorl
- wield
- wilder
- willow
- winding
- wing
- wins
- wiry
- with
- wive
- womanize
- wooded
- wool
- work
- world
- worth
- wreak
- wring
- wry
- xanthate
- yacht
- yarn
- yelp
- yolk
- yule
- zabaglione
- zest
- zips
- zori
- zymurgy